You'll Never Be Perfect, And That's OK

Imagine watching Steve Harvey on Family Feud. The question is: “Top 5 responses when asked about your greatest weakness in an interview.” 

What do you think the top 2 answers will be?

I bet it would be: I’m a perfectionist or I’m too detail oriented. Why? Because, who’s ever honest during interviews?

I’m still waiting for someone in an interview to answer that question truthfully, “I’m lazy and I have a bad attitude”. 

All that to say, perfectionism is not just a cop out answer in a job interview. I think it’s really something we all might struggle with to some extent.

We want perfect:

The perfect picture on Instagram.

The perfect caption. 

The perfect vacation. 

The perfect friendship. 

The perfect relationship. 

The perfect body. 

The perfect outfit.

The list goes on and on. 

Sometimes it seems like we'd prefer to appear to have a perfect life, over actually having a good life.

I think about it in the moments that I focus more on capturing the right moment, rather than enjoying the moment. 

The obsession of perfect can take away from the realization that it is still good.

My encouragement to you is to stop waiting on perfection. There are things I’ve missed out on while waiting for the perfect conditions. I want to see the good, I want to enjoy the good. I don’t want to miss good because I’m waiting for perfect. I’m taking a break from needing things to be perfect and I’m going to enjoy what I have in the present.

One Verse

Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. - Ecclesiastes 11:6 NLT

One Thought From Me

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect for you to proceed.


Practice What You Preach


5 Things I’m Stopping Today