5 Things I’m Stopping Today

I have an ever evolving “do not do list”. Our society teaches us the more we do, the more successful we can become. I’ve learned over time that success is not just about the things we do, it’s about the things we don’t do. 

Here’s a few things that I’m telling myself to stop:


In Exodus 3, God calls Moses to help free the Israelites and his response is, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”.

How often do we do this? Doubt is a feeling of uncertainty or to call into question. 

We can wonder if we are the right person for the job. We wrestle with imposter syndrome. We think of all the reasons why we can’t. 

And I get it, if it was just me trying to do what God has called me to do then I would have every reason to question it. 

God’s comfort to Moses was, “I will be with you”. I’ve decided that it’s all the comfort I need. My prayer in moments when I’m doubting myself is, “God help my unbelief. If you called me to it, you will bring me through it.”.

God didn’t make a mistake when he called you. 


Moses gave every excuse in the book, in Exodus 4.

What if they don’t believe me 

Pardon me, I’ve never been eloquent 

Lord please send someone else

What is your first reaction when someone asks you to do something you haven’t done before?

Do you think about all the reasons why you can, or all the reasons why you can’t?

If we put half the energy it takes to make the excuse to come up with solutions, we would see some real progress in our lives.

I often have to check myself on if I’m giving a valid reason or making an elaborate excuse. 

Don’t excuse yourself out of the promises of God. 


Numbers 23:19 God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Some of us have developed an expected disappointment with God. 

We have been disappointed by people so many times we project that on God. 

You had a father that didn’t show when he said he would. 

Someone who told you they loved you but didn’t show it.

So we’ve developed this mistrust. You have more faith in failure than you do in God.

I just want to encourage, don’t stop believing. 

Don’t downplay the big things.

Don’t expect less.

Expect success and not failure. 


I’m going to keep this one short…

Use your time wisely. 


We know the story of Cain and Abel. Both gave sacrifices, one was more favorable to God than the other. 

Cain did it but he didn’t do it well. 

Sometimes we think, I did the assignment but did you do it to the best of your ability?

This is not about comparison. Did you do it to the best of your ability, not someone else's ability. 

I don’t want to give the bare minimum when it comes to my prayer life, my serving, my relationships. 

I don’t want to do just enough to get me by. 

One Verse

2 Timothy 1:7

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

One More Thought From Me 

Make your own “do not do list”. Take a moment to think about the things that you can add to this list.


You'll Never Be Perfect, And That's OK


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