Practice What You Preach

The past 30 days I’ve taken time in my own life to slow down and selah. 

I talk a lot of rest and spiritual disciplines but a month ago I really felt like I had to get a new rhythm. 

I don’t want to just talk about it. I want to live it out, I want to practice what I preach. 

So I set a few perimeters for 30 days:

1. No social media 

2. Read 1 book 

3. Schedule intentional time to pray 

4. Journal once a day 

5. Workout at minimum 2x a week 

I focused on 5 things that felt manageable for me. 

The thing about goals is we have to make them realistic. Goals don’t have to be the whole vision, but they are made to set you up on the path to the bigger picture.  

You might be wondering, where do I start to make it to my end result?

The answer is practice. 

In order to get good at anything, you have to practice. 

The greatest artists and athletes in the world, still value practice. 

Take some time to decide what areas of your life could use practice. 

One Thought

You might not be where you want to be, but you can practice where you are now. 

One Verse

What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:9


Time To Rest


You'll Never Be Perfect, And That's OK