Waiting for Friday

Have you ever stopped to think about how important rest is? 

When I was younger, I would try to maximize the weekend. Be everywhere and do everything, and it was no wonder why I would come into work on a Monday exhausted. I wanted to be at brunch, the birthday parties, shopping, errands. My weekends were jammed packed. And forget about Sundays, I was at church all day long. 

I rarely rested on the weekend. 

I was in a season where every week I was waiting for Fridays. I would feel tired, worn out, frustrated throughout the week and I would tell myself I just have to get to Friday. I dreaded every other day of the week.

One day I had a moment and I told myself I don’t want to live my life waiting for Fridays – I’m going to mess it up and not rest anyway.

I want to see the beauty every day, I want to get the most out of the entire week. I want to look forward to my day of rest but not at the expense of discounting the other days.

So, is there a way to enjoy every day? 

I think there is.

We need to learn how to have selah moments each day which can help us to appreciate it all. 

Selah is this invitation to pause. Although it’s meaning is unknown, scholars believe it was a pause, a moment to reflect, a praise break if you will. 

We all need moments to catch our breath.

  • Where in your day can you find moments of rest? 

  • What are some things in your life that need to be paused? 

  • What are some ways to make each day matter? 

I want to leave you with this to reflect on: 

One Verse

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. - Psalm 90:12

One More Thought From Me 

“Find daily rest, because truth be told you don’t sleep once a week.”

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​Until next time,

Manouchka Charles


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