Reclaiming My Time

Four years ago, on this day, I was in a coma. There are no memories of February 5th, 2018 for me. There are 10 days of my life that I can’t account for. Back in 2018, I got into a life altering car accident. I remember the details of the day. I was excited for a quick weekend trip to Mexico for a wedding with one of my best friends. 

I remember what song I was listening to on repeat on the flight - Fight My Battles. 

I remember getting in the van and having this sense to tell Mariana that we should probably wear seat belts. 

I remember drifting off into a car nap. 

I remember feeling the impact and thinking it was a dream. 

I remember someone pulling me out of the van. 

I remember being in more pain than I had ever felt in my life. 

I remember praying “God, I don’t want to die”. 

I remember getting to a hospital and clothes being cut off of me for emergency surgery. 

And then, the memories stop.

I woke up 10 days later. Confused, scared, worried, sad. Those were just a few of the emotions I felt. It was hard to try to process all that had happened to me.

The months following my accident, there were some days that I felt like life was passing me by. Everyone was living their lives and I was home recovering.

I missed birthdays, weddings, celebrations. 

When I felt like I had missed out, God reminded me that I didn’t miss a thing. 

When I looked back on the year, God had done more with less. 

Without my effort, without my work, God was still able to do amazing things. 

Often times, we can look at the lives of others and it seems like they are way ahead of us. That we didn’t accomplish the things we wanted by the age that we wanted. But I’m learning to trust God. His timing is perfect. Even when I feel like I’m held back, He is the author of time. 

If you’re reading this, it’s not too late.

You didn’t miss out. 

It’s not over. 

The prophet Joel reminded the Israelites of this promise - “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten” ‭‭Joel‬ ‭2:25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ 

Locusts caused great devastation to crops. They would eat the seed of the previous year, the current year and the following year.

If you feel like you're in a season where locusts have eaten your joy and your dreams, may I speak the words of the prophet to you. God will restore the years. 

One Verse 

Isaiah 61

I don’t know what you feel like you lost or missed out on, but you can reclaim your time. 

One Thought 

Whatever you lost, God is going to restore.


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