Reviving 'Selah Saturday' & Showing Up in 2024

Happy 2024!

It’s been a minute, hasn't it? This year, I'm finding my rhythm, and you can too.

Ever started something and then life just started “life-ing”? We've all been there. But maybe it's time to dust off that dream again. You know the one. It's been patiently waiting for its moment in the spotlight.

So, the other day, I got home from a trip, turned my phone off, and picked up my pen to take an honest appraisal of my year. I started thinking about my relationships – the existing ones that stood the test of time and the new connections I made this year. I reviewed my finances and took a moment to evaluate my physical and mental well-being. I took inventory of my spiritual growth, revisited prophetic words spoken to me.

Then I took time to think about the new year. Back in November, I tried to make a detailed plan for 2024, but God reminded me that He's the best planner. So this time around, I took some time in silence and solitude to hear His plan.

Proverbs 19:21 - Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

It was a beautiful practice, and out of it, I found my theme for the year.


Not just physically but with intention.

  • Show up to spend time with God

  • Show up for my friends

  • Show up for my family

  • Show up for myself

This year, I'm making a commitment to showing up.

Now, here's the challenge for you: take a good, honest look at where you are. Dream a little about where you want to be. What areas in your life need you to show up?

Let's make 2024 the year we show up and show out.


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