Practical Steps For A Powerful Prayer Life

When some people look back on their childhood, they might remember waking up on a Saturday morning to the smell of bacon or maybe even waffles. I can’t say that was my reality because my mother was more than likely fasting on a Saturday morning. (she made sure we were fed, don’t worry

I can recall waking up Saturday morning to not the sound of bacon sizzling but church members praying and singing loudly. I just wanted to watch cartoons, and even though I didn’t appreciate it then, I so appreciate now the blessing of a praying mother. 

As I’ve gotten older, I have had to develop my own prayer life. My mother is praying for me still to this day, but I had to discover how to speak to God for myself. Reading through the book of Daniel in the beginning of this year is really where I’ve pulled these lessons and thoughts from. 

You can watch my full sermon on this thought - How To Approach God

Today I want to share with you how you can approach God.

1. Establish a Time:

Choose a consistent time each day for prayer. Set aside time to connect with God in prayer. Create a sacred space for intimacy. We make time for work, family, friends, and etc. We must make time for God. I have set alarms for times of prayer throughout the day. If God wanted to speak to you, does He know where and when to find you.

2. Meditate on Scripture:

Pray scripture-based prayers because God is about doing His will. He is tied to His word, not ours. Take time to read and reflect on Scripture daily. Allow God's Word to shape your thoughts, desires, and actions as you seek His guidance and wisdom.

3. Confess to God:

Be honest with God about your struggles, shortcomings, and mistakes. Confession opens the door to forgiveness and spiritual renewal. Take time to confess your sins, ask for forgiveness, and surrender them to God's grace.

4. Listen for Instruction:

Create space for silence and solitude in your prayer time. Listen for God's voice speaking to your heart and guiding your thoughts. Pay attention to any impressions, insights, or promptings that come to mind.

5. Pray with Persistence:

Don't give up on prayer, even when answers seem slow in coming. Trust in God's perfect timing and continue to pray with faith and perseverance. Keep pressing forward, knowing that God hears your prayers and will respond according to His will.


6. Pray with Fasting:

Fasting is sacrificing a basic need; it is going without food for a certain period of time. When we fast, we starve our flesh and feed our spirit. More often than not, we starve our spirit and feed our flesh. Fasting is an accelerator to your prayer life. 

Myles Munroe teaches on this; you can check it out here

You can cultivate a powerful and transformative prayer life. In Hebrews, it says, “He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” He rewards those who diligently seek Him, not those who casually seek Him or those who sometimes seek Him. Be diligent.

One Thought:

“Time spent in prayer is not time wasted but time invested.” ― Myles Munroe

One Verse:

Luke 18:1: “Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.”

Check out my full sermon - How To Approach God


There’s Still Time


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